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Because the nature of mathematics is sequential, 列出的年级水平是指导方针,将根据学生的基础技能而变化.



The following sequence is advised for 大学预科 Math courses. Each course provides foundations for the next course. 入门级别会有所不同.

代数I CP

学分:1 (4.评分)

PREREQUISITE: 分级考试 Scores; Jr. 高的建议

The topics include: operations involving integers, 百分比和分数, and solving equations algebraically. 本课程还介绍了基本的绘图技巧和图形计算器的使用. 基本的文字问题和现实生活中的应用问题将被解决. This class prepares students for 几何CP.


学分:1 (4.评分)

PREREQUISITE: 代数I CP and by Algebra Teacher Recommendation Only

这门课 provides an introduction to Euclidean Geometry. Geometry skills and their application will be taught. This class prepares students for 代数II CP.


(11 - 12级)
学分:1 (4.评分)


本课程首先回顾代数I的主题,包括求解线性方程,以及求解线性方程和不等式, graphing linear equations and inequalities, and an emphasis on problem-solving. 这门课 covers Algebra II topics such as 功能, 绘制线性和二次函数以及分段定义函数的图形, and transformations of 功能. 学生将求解二元和三元线性方程组, solve systems of equations with 矩阵, work with polynomial 功能, and do operations on polynomial 功能.

Intro to College Algebra with Trig

学分:1 (4.评分)

PREREQUISITE: 代数II CP; SHG Algebra II Teacher Recommendation Only

这门课 is designed to prepare students for college algebra, which is a requirement in most colleges and universities. It includes a review of Algebra II concepts with emphasis on graphing, a study of 功能 and their 图, and an introduction to trigonometry. Topics include: Polynomial 功能, 理性的功能, logarithmic and 指数 功能, circular trigonometric 功能, trigonometric identities, and graphing 功能.



以下顺序推荐给UCP课程的学生. Each course requires success in the previous course.

[建议在八年级时完成代数I UCP(零时)的学生的高中顺序:几何UCP。, 代数II UCP, Pre-Calculus, Statistics, College Algebra Honors or Calculus]  Pre-Calculus, Statistics, College Algebra Honors or Calculus]




进入本课程的学生应具备算术和常用数学符号的知识. 学生将学习数字系统的结构以及代数运算和函数的使用. 代数方法在实际情况中的应用是本课程的重点.


学分:1 (4.评分)

PREREQUISITE: 代数I UCP with SHG Teacher Recommendation

本课程介绍平面和空间几何的基础知识. 演绎法和归纳法都适用于对点的研究, 行, 飞机, 和角度. 应用程序可以应用于三角形和其他多边形以及圆形, with particular attention to congruence and similarity. 研究了与面积和体积有关的结构、变换和公式.


学分:1 (4.评分)

PREREQUISITE: 几何跟单信用证 with SHG Teacher Recommendation

这门课 reviews Algebra I. Additional topics covered are linear, polynomial and quadratic 功能, 矩阵, 激进分子, 复数, 序列与序列, 和二次曲线. This class prepares students to take Pre-Calculus or Statistics.


学分:1 (4.评分)

PREREQUISITE: 代数II UCP (C or higher); SHG Teacher Recommendation

本课程涵盖解析几何的主题,例如平面上的直线, conics and logarithmic 指数 功能. Second semester covers trigonometry, 它强调了三角函数的几何和解析发展及其应用, 极坐标, 极坐标图. First semester final exam is required.



荣誉课程推荐给具有高级数学知识和技能的学生. 每年, 成绩等级和老师的推荐被用来确定学生是否有资格进入这个顺序的下一级荣誉班.

If 代数I was mastered in Grade 8, the proposed sequence in high school is 几何H, 代数II H, 有关微积分的H, Calculus Honors or Calculus AB/BC AP.

If taking Algebra I H in Grade 9, the proposed sequence is Algebra I H, 几何H, 代数II H, Pre-Cal H

代数I (Zero Hour)

学分:1 (5.A-获得的字母成绩列在高中成绩单上,但成绩不包括在高中GPA中。.

PREREQUISITES: Standardized and SHG Testing; Jr. 高的建议.


This is an accelerated course which provides an in-depth study of the structure of the number system; use of algebraic operations 和功能; and quadratic equations, 功能, 和关系. 代数方法在实际情况中的应用是本课程的重点. 学生 must have earned at least a C- in order to continue 2nd 学期. This class prepares students for 几何的荣誉.


学分:1 (5.评分)


学习这门课程的学生应该对算术和常用数学符号有全面的了解. This is an accelerated course which provides a more in-depth study of the structure of the number system; use algebraic operations 和功能; and quadratic equations, 关系, 和功能. 代数方法在实际情况中的应用是本课程的重点. This class prepares students for 几何的荣誉.


学分:1 (5.评分)

PREREQUISITE: Algebra I H (B+ or higher); 几何H; Algebra I Teacher Recommendation

这是对高中二年级代数标准主题的严格方法. 这门课 contains work in linear, quadratic and polynomial 功能, 矩阵, 理性的 and ir理性的 numbers, 复数, 对数, 序列与级数, probability and statistics, 和二次曲线. 代数方法在实际情况中的应用是本课程的重点.


学分:1 (5.评分)

PREREQUISITE: Algebra I H (B or higher); SHG Teacher Recommendation

This is an accelerated course presenting plane and space 几何, 结构, 逻辑, 以及演绎证明. Emphasis is placed on precise mathematical language. 我们努力把几何和代数的学习联系起来. 本课程为学生准备代数II荣誉课程或微积分预科荣誉课程.


学分:1 (5.评分)

PREREQUISITE: 代数II UCP (B or higher)

本课程是基础统计学的入门课程,涵盖了与入门级大学统计学课程相关的所有材料. The topics covered include basic probability theory, basic descriptive statistics, random variables and probability distributions, sampling distributions for statistics, 涉及置信区间估计和均值假设检验的统计推断, 标准差, 和比例, as well as correlation and regression.

College Algebra Honors - Dual Credit

学分:1 (5.评分)

PREREQUISITE: 代数II UCP (B or higher); 学生 must meet LLCC requirements for enrollment.

这门课 centers on the exploration of various algebraic 功能, 包括多项式, 理性的, 指数, and logarithmic 功能. 的属性, 分析了这些函数的图和不等式,并研究了它们的应用. 其他主题包括方程组、矩阵、二次曲线、序列和级数. 本课程通过LLCC提供双学分课程(MAT 113),学生无需额外费用.


(11 - 12级)
学分:1 (5.评分)

PREREQUISITE: 代数II H (B or higher); 代数II UCP (A or higher); SHG Teacher recommendation

这门课 is designed to be an immediate preparation for Calculus. The content includes extensive coverage of trigonometry, 解析几何, and several topics in advanced algebra. 强调对函数概念的更深入理解,并将其应用于许多不同的主题.

Calculus Honors - Dual Credit

学分:1 (5.评分)

前提条件:预微积分H (B或更高)和SHG教师推荐. 学生 must meet LLCC requirements for enrollment.

这门课 covers essentially the first semester of college calculus. It follows the LLCC course outcomes for MAT 131, which includes the topics of 功能, 图, limits and basic differential and integral calculus. 这门课, 虽然仍然要求很高, 是为那些在大学不需要学两个学期微积分的学生准备的吗. 本课程通过LLCC提供双学分(MAT 131),不需要学生支付额外费用.

Calculus AB Advanced Placement

学分:1 (6.评分)

PREREQUISITE: 有关微积分的H (C+ or higher)

这门课 covers the first semester of college calculus. It follows the Advanced Placement AB syllabus, which includes topics of 功能, 图, limits and basic differential and integral calculus. 本课程是为不需要在大学里学两个学期微积分的学生开设的.

Calculus BC Advanced Placement

学分:1 (6.评分)

PREREQUISITE: 有关微积分的H (B+ or higher); SHG Teacher Recommendation

这门课 covers the first two semesters of college calculus. It follows the Advanced Placement BC syllabus, 并且是为学生谁有解析几何和初等函数的全面知识,除了大学预科代数, 几何, 和三角. The standard topics in limit theory, 微分学, and integral calculus are included, along with introductory materials in vector calculus, 系列, and differential equations. 这是一门要求很高的课程,只有数学能力优秀、希望为大学数学工作做准备的学生才能修这门课, 工程, 化学, 物理, 或医学.